
Come On, Irene

Surviving a Hurricane in Style

Dear Irene, <br /><br />Word on the street is you think you’re some kind of big bad storm. Well, we’re not impressed. We survived a ferocious earthquake on Tuesday. If you think we’re going to run, you’re sorely mistaken. <br /> <br />Should you want to pick a fight when you’re in town this weekend, we’ll be hunkered down at one of these <a target="_blank" href="">subterranean</a><strong> </strong><a target="_blank" href="">basement</a><strong> </strong><a target="_blank" href="">hurricane</a><strong> </strong><a target="_blank" href="">hideouts</a>. Look us up. <br /><br />But be warned, we’re prepared to go out like Bodhi. Or at least we will be after some last-minute purchases...<br /><br />Hugs and kisses,<br />UrbanDaddy<br type="_moz" />

Fjällräven Greenland Jacket

Fjällräven Greenland Jacket

Single most important thing to have in a storm: a high-quality water-wicking waxed jacket from Sweden. Second most important thing to have in a storm: composure.

GustBuster Automatic Umbrella

GustBuster Automatic Umbrella

The Cadillac of portable parasols. Sixty-eight inches of wind-tunnel-tested fiberglass, built to withstand gusts in excess of 50 mph. It’s probably wise to pick up a spare. In case you leave one on the subway.

Jon Ashe Sex Flask

Jon Ashe Sex Flask

It’s time to start putting some hurricane contingency plans into place. For example, if you get separated from your wet bar for whatever reason, a whiskey-filled flask that reads “sex” in nautical flags is very handy. Doubly so if you happen to also be lost at sea.

Available at Jon Ashe, 88 Grand St, 212-343-3088

Tretorn Sub Rubber Boot

Tretorn Sub Rubber Boot

For a storm of Irene’s caliber, a sturdy pair of refined rubber boots is in order. Yes, these have a textile sockliner insert. No, these don’t have the Back to the Future II self-tying laces. 

Available at Tretorn, 150 Spring St, 646-454-9680

Onyx Inflatable Belt Pack

Onyx Inflatable Belt Pack

Staying afloat and keeping your pants up: no longer mutually exclusive thanks to the inflatable belt. This modern marvel comes with a watertight pouch for storing keys/money/sex flask and a rip cord that when pulled activates a life vest. In other words, it’s the world’s greatest fanny pack.

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