
Truck Stop

Miami’s First Food Truck Tracker

None Sometimes it seems so easy, this food truck thing.

Hungry > food truck appears > procure lunch > eat > satisfied.

But in reality, we all know things got complicated somewhere down the line. Too many trucks. Too many Twitter feeds. Too many truck rallies.

So it’s about time someone stepped in and simplified the chaos...

Presenting Food Truck Tracker by Burger Beast, the city’s first iPhone app for finding and mapping the vast fleet of chuck wagons roaming our streets, available now.

Consider this the lunch assistant you nearly hired the other day when trying to find Ms. Cheezious (hey, when bacon and blue cheese on sourdough calls, you listen). The interface is clean and to the point. It gives you a real-time list of all food trucks that are out at any given moment. There’s a map function that shows you where they are and an exhaustive directory of each truck listing their menus and photos.

And to get you in the mood for all this smartphone-enhanced dining, the Beast will be throwing a launch party tonight in Tamiami Park in South Miami. Sixty trucks will be in attendance, including a few from Orlando and Tampa.

Which is borderline too far to go for a grilled cheese.
Note: <a target="_blank" href="">Food Truck Tracker by Burger Beast</a>, no cost, available now on iTunes, <a target="_blank" href="">launch party tonight</a>, 6-11pm, Tamiami Park, 10901 SW 24th St


Food Truck Tracker by Burger Beast

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