
Shark Week

Swimming with Sharks in Montauk

None The odds of being attacked by a shark are roughly 1 in 65 million.

Unfortunately, we can’t vouch for those numbers when the sharks are hungry.

And you’re being used as bait.

Welcome to Montauk Shark Cage Diving, a face-to-face meeting with the ocean’s premier predator, arranged by a fearless Long Island charter company that’s accepting reservations now.

If it helps to calm your nerves, think of this as one big museum exhibit. That just happens to be taking place smack-dab in the middle of shark-infested waters.

So you’ll load up your lucky flippers and head out to Montauk in search of the ultimate adrenaline rush/encore to Shark Week. Upon arrival, you’ll board the Sea Turtle—a custom-built, 36-foot dive boat that’ll shuttle you (and a one-inch anodized aluminum bar shark cage) out about 30 miles into the Atlantic Ocean. At that point, the crew will begin prepping the area for diving. Which is really just a fancy way of saying they’ll dump fish guts overboard.

Eventually, mako, blue and thresher sharks will arrive, looking for a meal. That’s when you’ll jump in the water.

From the seemingly sparse confines of the shark-proof cage, you and a buddy (human shield) will be close enough to literally reach out and touch nature’s perfect killing machines.

A friendly wave works, too.


Montauk Shark Cage Diving

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