Tomorrow Never Buys

Clothes from the Future on Robertson Boulevard

You're generally regarded as a forward-thinking fellow. But it's been a while since you impressed your friends with the prophecy that someday they'd pay for water. And Marky Mark would become a really good actor.

Re-establish your visionary reputation with a trip to HLNR, the futuristic new clothing shop now open on Robertson.

The pair of ominous robot statues flanking the entrance will let you know you're in the right place for ahead-of-the-curve gear. We especially like the modern white blazers with contrasting black details from Heath, summer-friendly shirts from Neil Barrett and edgy suits from Attachment and Mister Hollywood. (They're already big in Japan. Go figure.) The overall look will bring out your inner European musician, capable of dashing from an intercontinental flight to a business meeting to a nightcap in the hotel bar—all without a wardrobe change.

But the store itself also embraces an eco-aware futurism.  There are prominent solar panels, the recycling of 75-year-old Italian mailbags as wall coverings—and, oh, yeah, an entirely paperless bathroom, whose piecede resistance is a high-tech $8,000 toilet that sprays...well, you'll have to explore that on your own.

Or not. Some aspects of the future are best left unknown.


474 N. Robertson Blvd
(S. of Melrose)
West Hollywood
West Hollywood, CA, 90048

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