
Dish Network

Your Goal of Never Cooking Again, Realized

UD - Dishcraft Delegation.

Webster’s definition: to assign responsibility or authority to another.

Your definition: a crack team of on-call bocce caddies, highly disciplined pillow fluffers trained in the South of France... and an alluring in-home chef named Aminda who cooks anything you ask her to.

Let’s talk about her...

Introducing Dishcraft, a new in-home personal chef experience provided to you by the aforementioned (and quite lovely) chef Aminda Harker, now taking requests for pretty much anything you can dream up.

So whenever you feel like not cooking (read: pretty much always), you’ll give Aminda a call and kick things off with a meal-planning consultation. This is the time when you get to know each other—your likes and dislikes, quirky eating habits, favorite Sheen quotes.

Once you’ve told her what you’re into—and if that happens to be the BBQ duck sliders from Local Three, she’ll give it her best shot—she’ll go to work planning your personalized menu (or you can just let her decide what’s for dinner).

And with your final stamp of approval, she’ll head to the store with your grocery list to prep, then cook and carefully package up your haul for the week (the goal is for you to not have to cook for a while) before cleaning up and disappearing before you get home.

You need something like this at the office.

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