Horse Surfing

Surf’s Up

Surfing with Horses in Bradenton

UD - Horse Surfing You’re not ashamed to admit it.

You’ve done some pretty stupid things in your day.

Ordering shellfish at that ribs joint in Tampa. Canceling your courtside Heat tickets on July 7 of last year. Engaging in small talk over White Russians with Charlie Sheen.

So today, this being Friday, we wanted to introduce you to your next semi-idiotic pursuit.

Here’s a hint: it involves surfing. And thoroughbreds.

Presenting Horse Surfing, a dubious marriage of aquatic sports and equestrianism, coming soon to the wilds of western Florida.

Essentially, this is what would happen if Secretariat ever crossed paths with Laird Hamilton. (Or if Mister Ed ever picked the brain of Kelly Slater.) In other words: you’re surfing... on a horse.

To start, you’ll make the five-hour drive north to Bradenton (the horse surfing capital of America), where you’ll hook up with an outfit called Beach Horses. (Note: they only do parties of four, so you’ll have to recruit three other would-be steed surfers.)

You’ll get the blood flowing with an hour-long ride along the shallow waters of Palma Sola Bay. Then, when the tide beckons, you’ll plow into the waves atop your waterproof stallion, standing up on a cushiony bareback saddle and—when you’re feeling cocky—balancing between two separate horses, almost like you’re water-skiing.

Except your skis are named Snoopy and Prickly Pete.


Horse Surfing
at Beach Horses
Manatee Ave and Palma Sola Blvd
Bradenton, FL, 34209

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