
Who's Your Caddy?

The Women of Platinum Tees

You've spoiled many a good walk with a reliable caddy.

Oh, sure, he may have helped you sink a few more putts, hit a few more fairways. But his white jumpsuit doesn't quicken the pulse. And isn't that why you came to Vegas in the first place?

We've found a far better set of advisors: the women of Platinum Tees.

Hot-girl caddy services are nothing new for Vegas, but here's why we like Platinum. Number one, they're an offshoot of a modeling agency, which means their ladies aren't just hot for caddies, they're hot for people. And two, their girls don't just carry your clubs and clean off your balls, they're also prepared to straighten out your stroke. That is, they've gone through training with ESPN and PGA golf pro Clif Vanetti. (We've never heard of him either.)

Favorite part: You can go on their website and request the caddy of your choice. (We're sure most guys will go for Alexis, Bridget and Gina, but we're also partial to Sara and Sarah.) Then, for around $200, your handpicked lovely will show up at any public course in the Vegas area and assist you for 18 glorious holes.

With any luck, the back nine will be absolutely brutal.


Platinum Agency

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