High Road Craft Ice Cream

Road Runners

Five Liters of Jack & Coke... Sorbet

UD - High Road Craft Ice Cream It’s December.

So, naturally, we’re going to talk about ice cream today.

You see, there’s this little craft ice cream operation that’s been churning out oddities like Gin & Juice Sorbet and Bourbon–Burnt Sugar Ice Cream for a short while now.

The only problem: you can’t have any.

Unless, of course, you’re a restaurant or a chef.

Or you show up from 10 to 1 on Saturdays...

And with that, it’s time to see what’s behind the curtain at High Road Craft Ice Cream, a once wholesale-only creamery now opening its doors to the public for the first time ever on Saturday mornings.

It all started about a month and a half ago when a pair of chefs started slinging five-liter pans of Thai Coconut Ice Cream and Jack & Coke Sorbet at chefs all across the city. And chances are, you’ve come across their handiwork at the tail end of a wine-soaked five-courser and didn’t even know it.

But now, thanks to the mystical powers of the universe (also, Facebook and Twitter), you’ll be able to track what flavors are in store for you on any particular Saturday. (Starting January 8—though if you ask nicely, they’ll work with you before then.) Then, it’s a simple matter of heading out to the unassuming factory for a quick tour before picking up your own five-liter of first-come, first-served French Toast Ice Cream or Asian Pear and Peppercorn Sorbet.

It’s never too cold for peppercorn sorbet.


High Road Craft Ice Cream
2241 Perimeter Park Dr, Suite 7
Atlanta, GA, 30341

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