The Absinthe Red Hot Cocktail

Fire and Ice

Introducing the Absinthe Red Hot Cocktail

UD - The Absinthe Red Hot Cocktail You like eggnog. You respect eggnog. You’ve even been known, on occasion, to consume eggnog.

And soon, you will again. And that’s as it should be. But maybe a new drink could enter your holiday rotation.

Something with red hots. And whipped cream. Maybe some absinthe.

Oh, and something you light on fire.

Behold The Absinthe Red Hot Cocktail, a concoction of insanity that’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like, available starting this Friday at, yes, Absinthe Lounge.

Now, we know what you’re thinking: this thing is girly. Like, Sex and the City 2 cameo girly. But stick with us, because absinthe is involved. Lots and lots of absinthe.

Your journey begins in an appropriately green-lit basement on South Lamar. Here, your mad scientist of a bartender will start by dumping a dozen red hots into a frosty glass. Then, she’ll pour in a shot of the notorious green fairy. Then, the fire comes in—an absinthe-soaked sugar cube is briefly ignited above the glass, before being put out with water that pours into the drink. Finally, a couple drops of liqueur and schnapps are mixed in, then it’s topped with whipped cream and finished off with a pinch of cinnamon-sugar.

The result: a nice hint of black licorice, followed by a cinnamon-y and peppermint-y punch.

Mixing with eggnog: not recommended.


The Absinthe Red Hot Cocktail
available at Absinthe Lounge
1409 S Lamar St, Suite 008
Dallas, TX, 75215

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