
Top Chef

Your New Crack Team of Secret Chefs

UD - Chef Valet Despite best efforts, sometimes you just find yourself in a pinch. Or worse yet... a pickle.

Say, for instance, you’ve got a dinner date. Only the dinner happens to be at your house. And you happen to be the chef.

But somewhere between the morning board meeting on the 18th green and your midday ninja lessons, you realize you forgot about something...


Enter Chef Valet, a crack team of culinary aficionados willing to take care of the shopping, slicing, dicing and delivering for your best laid (and sometimes forgotten) dinner plans, now taking special orders online. But more on that in a bit.

All right, so here’s how this works. First, you’ll come to terms with your predicament. Then, you’ll solve it by going online (do it before noon for same-day delivery) and deciding what you’ll be “preparing” tonight, from Scallops and Shrimp Risotto with saffron to Chicken Involtini with prosciutto, asparagus and goat cheese.

From there, your behind-the-scenes clutchmen will go to work prepping and assembling the raw materials before carefully packaging them (with fail-safe instructions, mind you) and delivering the (almost) finished product to your door. All that’s left for you to do is transfer the goods into your own gear, cook them... and take all the credit.

Oh, and we should also mention that they’re technically not open to the general public yet. But since you’ve never really considered yourself to be part of that crowd, and because you’re with us, they’re willing to make an exception.

If there were a merit badge for Wingmanship, these guys would be wearing it.

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