
More Dashing

New Fall Gear in River North

Take a deep breath. Hold it. Savor it. Yep—that’s autumn in your lungs.

And this weekend, you’ll want to get outside and make the most of it.

So whether it’s a romantic afternoon of apple-picking somewhere up in Lake County or chopping wood to get the old Wisconsin cabin ready for winter, follow this one simple style rule for fall:

Wear clothes. They’re very in this year.

Oh, and you can exhale now...

Here to make sure you stick to the plan: the folks from Haberdash, conveniently planting a stake in River North this weekend.

You’ve gone to these guys’ shop in Old Town when you’ve needed a new suit from Hugo Boss, a smart flannel from Steven Alan or a sharp pair of hiking boots. They have the same game plan—and the same stuff—here. But now that they’re in the historic Tree Studios building, you can make it an easy stop between the office and your weekend fall color tour. Plus, you’ll finally realize your youthful dream of buying your clothes in a turn-of-the-century artists’ colony.

So swing in this weekend to stock up for your autumnal adventures—a new pair of Japanese denims and maybe something tweedy and sport coat-y. Just don’t overlook the 1,000 Mile Boot from Wolverine, a tough, turn-of-the-century bootmaker that outfitted shift workers and farmers in 1900 and still uses Chicago-made leather.

Because fall color tours can be a rugged business.


607 N State St
(between Ohio and Ontario)
Chicago, IL, 60611

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