
Willow Talk

365 Days of Country Clubbing

UD - Willow Club First, our condolences. We know—it’s that bittersweet week when your country club is about to shut down for the season. Tell your beer cart girl we’ll miss her.

Despair not, as we’ve found a country club where your golf cart is a Lambo, your swimming pool is all of Manhattan, and your cannonballs in said pool are... glorious.

It’s called the Willow Club, it’s a combination private country club meets concierge service for the best things the city has to offer, and it’s taking membership now.

Here’s the deal: you sign up for a membership, and then five days (and a cool 28 grand) later, you’ll possess a tiny black member’s card, good for 7,000 “points.” And then, using those points, you can start making plans. Big plans.

Perhaps a little yachting, followed by sitting courtside at the US Open. Racing sports cars down the FDR followed by a quick run through the MoMA. (Your card will get you to the front of the line.) Or you’ll take a Ferrari out to Yankee Stadium, then back down to a Fashion Week party. (They’ll put your name on the list; you can change in the car.) Then, you’ll close your day with a nice, relaxing glass of wine—served at the after-party you’re hosting in a Midtown penthouse.

That would run you a cool 3,500 points, so you can blow it up Bueller-style not once but twice a year. (We’re feeling November 14 and April 22.) Should you just need to get out of Dodge for awhile—and by Dodge, we mean America—you can use your points at some hotels overseas.

We hear the point is immune to inflation.

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