
Taco Supreme

Korean BBQ Tacos on a Truck

UD - TaKorean Today, we’d like to remind you of some important moments in the Hollywood-ization of DC...

• 1979: C-SPAN debuts.
• 1993: Ted Danson, Barbra Streisand and Tom Hanks begin their overnights in the Lincoln Bedroom. (To be clear: separately.)
• 2007: Sheryl Crow and Laurie David accost Karl Rove at the Correspondents Dinner.

And now, in 2010: Korean BBQ wrapped up in a taco arrives.

So say hello to TaKorean, rolling next Monday to bring you an LA-style mash-up of Mexican and Korean street food.

This is the kind of truck Clooney would send his assistant to chase down if he needed a Hollywood-inspired bite between meetings with Pelosi and Reid. You’ll know the drill: follow TaKorean on Twitter for its location, and keep your eyes peeled for the truck—in this case, a blue-and-yellow van playing indie rock that once served as an emergency response vehicle in Philadelphia. (So it probably carried Eagles fans, but don’t hold that against it.)

The menu will keep your choices to a minimum: sweet and spicy steak, tangy chicken or caramelized tofu, rolled in a warm corn tortilla with either spicy kimchi slaw or napa-romaine slaw. As for toppings, may we suggest “The Works,” otherwise known as sriracha hot sauce, lime cream, fresh cilantro and sesame seeds.

And now about your idea to open a crabcake cart on Sunset Strip...

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