
Mic’d Up

A Secret Karaoke Club in Dallas

UD - Dallas Karaoke Meet-Up Group You’re not one to shy away from a microphone.

Wedding toasts. Guest-auctioneering at the Stockyards. Guest PA-announcing at Cowboys Stadium. Check, check, check.

So we think you might be ready for the mysterious, covert, gritty underbelly of the Dallas karaoke scene. Yes, we’re talking about the Dallas Karaoke Meet-Up Group, a singing club that draws inspiration from glasses of booze and ’80s power ballads, now eagerly awaiting your next Steve Perry send-up.

The rules of Karaoke Club are simple: there are no rules. Actually, here are the rules: you will send an email to a karaoke-obsessed character named Mark, explaining your love for belting out Boyz II Men in the shower, “Space Oddity” in conference room B or just watching girls sing Nine Inch Nails. You’ll promptly be accepted, and three days before the club’s next event, you’ll get a secret email letting you know the location—could be anywhere from an old restaurant opened up specifically for karaoke to a local dive bar doing a karaoke night.

From there, you’ll meet up with your like-minded crooners, the drinks and karaoke war stories will flow, and Mark will get things going with one of his go-to’s, like “Tainted Love.” He actually has two lists: songs he does well and songs he doesn’t do well.

You, of course, have just one list: songs originally performed by guys named Cougar.


Dallas Karaoke Meet-Up Group

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