
Just in Case...

Now Available: James Bond's Briefcase

UD - Fingerprint Briefcase You value your security.

You've got a safe-deposit box in Zurich that's accessible only by facial recognition. Your apartment requires an 11-digit passcode. Hell, even your BBQ grill carries a voiceprint identification key.

Yet, somehow, you still carry your sensitive documents in an ordinary bag with an even more ordinary latch.

So we thought you may want to look into the Fingerprint Briefcase, a marvel of Chinese innovation that uses fingerprint encryption to lock up your valuables, now available.

Now, we're not saying there's anything wrong with a normal key or numerical locking case, of course. But locks can be picked, and ever since Mel Brooks gave away your favorite combination in Spaceballs ("1-2-3-4-5"), you've been flirting with disaster.

To remove any doubt of infiltration, you'll first scan your fingerprint on the biometric keypad lock, and then assign that finger as the key master (yes, you can use your middle finger). Then, whenever you need to get at your goods (merger meeting, acquisition meeting... lunch), press your chosen finger to the pad for one second, let it recognize your fingerprint, and then watch the case pop open like you're James Bond.

You can even program the briefcase to unlock for 12 other fingerprints, should you need it to trade hands as it travels from New England to faraway countries.

Or, you know, if you just can't make the fantasy football draft.

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