Things to do for May 06, 2010

The Weekender

Parties, iPod Dating and Volcanic Ash

The weekend says hello to your mom.

A Revolution in Party Playlists

A Revolution in Party Playlists

Ah, the party mix—execute it well, and you're a hero. Execute it poorly, and your friends will never let you near a stereo again. A solution: this site, which lets you and your friends create a collaborative playlist, even as the party is in motion. Not that anyone should thwart your wall-to-wall Bee Gees rock block.

Icelandic Volcano Ash for Sale

Icelandic Volcano Ash for Sale

Well, we should have seen this coming. Some brave entrepreneur has begun selling ash from last month's massive (and unpronounceable) volcano—you know, the one that delayed your international shipment of worker monkey drones. What you do with this purchase is nobody's business but yours.

A Dating Site for Apple Fans

A Dating Site for Apple Fans

From the department of things we are in no way endorsing: Cupidtino, a dating network exclusively for Apple fans. We just thought you should know that this curious, possibly dangerous website is out there—though it's nowhere near as good as

The Glass-Sided Toaster

The Glass-Sided Toaster

It's one of those great mysteries of life: you slide your bread inside a toaster, and as if by magic, toast pops out. Finally, that great riddle has been solved: this glass toaster lets you watch your bread heat as it toasts. Now if someone could find the little man printing money inside of ATMs.

Introducing the RoboCup

Introducing the RoboCup

There's no better way to celebrate Mother's Day than... heading out to the golf course to play a few rounds. (Well, depending on the mom.) This can get you prepped for the season—it's basically a putting green cup that can launch your ball back at you from about 14 feet away. Corporate-sponsored polo shirt not included.

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