
Training Day

A Day in the Life of a Counter-Terrorist

UD - Extreme Adventures Active Shooter Experience High stakes negotiations are a way of life.

One that you're quite familiar with: landing that lucrative hedge fund, picking the winning thoroughbred at Golden Gate Fields, sweet-talking the meter maid in a tow-away zone...

So we think you're ready for the big time. Yes, an AK-47 and an active hostage crisis are involved.

Introducing the Extreme Adventures Active Shooter Experience, a hands-on training day for amateur counter-terrorists, enlisting recruits now in Stockton.

Think of this as paintball on steroids, just with rubber pellets, not paint.

Your mission: to diffuse a fake real-world crime in progress—say, a bank robbery with hostages, a kidnapped school bus or something more 007-like (possibly involving some sort of henchmen). But we're getting ahead of ourselves...

First, we should mention that you'll be in the illustrious company of Green Beret, FBI, Navy SEALs and SWAT team instructors with code names like Condor and Gabon. (Okay, maybe no code names, but feel free to call everyone Condor.)

After some basic training, you'll get suited up and armed with full-size airsoft AK-47s, M4s and even sniper rifles, which you'll use to mimic a real SWAT operation. It all ends with you neutralizing the active shooter—or shooters—without any civilian casualties.

Though, there might be a damsel in distress or two.


Extreme Adventures Active Shooter Experience
Stockton, CA,

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