
Pastrami on Wheels

The Canter's Food Truck Is Here

UD - Canter’s Truck Evolving successfully is hard.

First, the fish learned to walk. More recently, Miley Cyrus tried her hand at a romantic drama.

And now, Canter's—the classic 24/7 Fairfax deli that for decades has been home to drunk hipsters, retirees and celebs from Monroe to Ali—has gone and joined the 21st century in stellar fashion. Yes, it's true: the Canter's Truck is now rolling.

Close your eyes for a moment and picture the obscenely oversized pastrami, corned beef and Reuben sandwiches... the planet-sized matzo balls... and the sweet black-and-white cookies. Sure, you can still find all this at Canter's come 4am, but now you also just might find it outside your office door come lunch, in only slightly less giant proportions. Sounds like progress to us.

Twitter will tell you where the truck is as it roams. It's launching with six sandwiches and a few soups and salads, though the two sisters behind the wheel (scions of the Canter family dynasty) expect the menu to grow quickly.

To dial down your sodium intake, try the Lunch Box, with a half-sandwich, side, pickles, chips and an old-fashioned soda, like a Dr. Brown's root beer.

No word yet on a mobile Kibitz Room.

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