Things to do for February 25, 2010

The Weekender

Barking Dogs, Hipster Wives and Chocolate

The weekend already has more golds than Canada.

Mail Scanning Service

Mail Scanning Service

You're far too busy to trifle with such matters as getting and reading your mail every day. For when your assistant's assistant is out of town, there's Mailbox Forwarding, a site that will scan all your mail, so you can read it online. Or you could just give people your email address.

Get your new online P.O. box here

The Hi-Fido Ceramic Speaker

The Hi-Fido Ceramic Speaker

It was only a matter of time: a handcrafted speaker that looks like a dog. Actually, it wasn't a matter of time at all, but someone did it anyway—and that person only made 50 of them, and you can preorder one now. We can't believe they didn't call it a woofer.

Like the goth girl, the nice girl and the occasional barista, the hipster girl has an eccentric charm all her own. This site captures that, profiling "pinups" and asking them hard-hitting questions about dating. ("When it comes to a guy's record collection, does size really matter?") At the very least, it's a decent music recommendation site.

Chocolate Weapons

Chocolate Weapons

You might say that, when used properly, chocolate already has the power to capture even the most elusive prey. For a more literal take on the same idea, there are these—chocolate shaped into the form of high-grade weaponry. The grenade really says "You're the bomb."

The TalkingTweet iPhone App

The TalkingTweet iPhone App

As of this week, Conan O'Brien and the Dalai Lama have two things in common: their Irish heritage, and Twitter accounts. Here to help you catch up on their 140-character musings: this app, which reads your feed out loud to you. So you can go ahead and fire the guy you had doing that for you.

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