
Almost Famous

Your New Online Soapbox

UD - 15toFame This was a big week for epic performance in front of enormous audiences.

Steve Jobs. Obama. The "Pants on the Ground" guy.

We think you can top them.
Introducing 15toFame, a new website that's turning its home page over to you for 15 minutes at a time, in alpha now.

In short, it's the online platform your budding acting/singing/juggling/synchronized-swimming career has long deserved. For 15 minutes, the website will be yours and yours alone. So you'll start by picking the best time slot available (like Conan, we would insist on 11:30).

Then you'll embed your 15-minute YouTube video...and wait. (Note: you'll have to get your video past the YouTube censors before you post your homage to Old School.)

Then, when your video airs, fawning viewers from around the world will witness your stirring ode to freedom and/or painstaking shot-for-shot remake of Avatar. If you've impressed them—and we have absolute faith that you will—they'll hit the "clap" button under your video. Earn enough "claps," and you'll make it onto the site's Wall of Fame.

Which is actually how Oprah got her start.

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