Pancakes magically appear in soft-serve ice cream form, cuff links gracefully light cigarettes and chicken noodle soup is now, finally, a potent, all-powerful cocktail.
Which brings us to the Mac and Cheese Burger, a meeting of two comfort food staples in one savory new package, available to satisfy your deepest, darkest cravings starting today at the FiDi ground beef oasis Burger Shoppe.
If you are picturing a meager burger topped with a clump of yellow mac and cheese, it's time to think just a little bit bigger... Sure, it all starts innocently enough—a mix of cheddar, American, pecorino and Gruyère cheeses with ground Hereford beef—but don't be deceived: this little devil is packing something extra. That something: macaroni, cooked, salted and packed inside the burger before it hits the grill, so by the time it starts to cook, the cheese, beef and macaroni become one charred, melted, buttery unit of deliciousness.
And to top things off, you'll notice a few homemade Gruyère bread crumbs and a generous ladling of homemade cheese sauce on the patty.
You should also know that they're not putting it on the menu, so you'll have to ask for it by name. Or, to avoid alarming other blissfully naive customers, write it on a slip of paper and slide it across the counter before muttering, "Just put the macaroni in the burger."
The seven most beautiful words in the English language.