
The Rejection List

The Things We Left Behind in 2009

We've got a pretty good filter here at UD, and most of what we see gets tossed aside after just a glance. Here, making their proud, shining debut are a few of those products and services that just missed the cut. By a landslide.

The Dog Collar Bottle Opener

The Dog Collar Bottle Opener

Keeping a bottle opener around your dog's neck is about as sanitary as a sneaker that's also a toothbrush. We understand the appeal of objects that can accomplish two tasks, but let's keep the things that spend time on our lips away from the things that occasionally eat their own poop.

Don't beg for it here

The Ice Face Roller

The Ice Face Roller

This magical little tool, which sells for $59, promises to soothe your aftershave burn, reduce puffiness around the eyes and relieve stiff facial muscles. Setting aside the questions about how your facial muscles got so stiff, it sounds almost as if this product can do the same things as an ice cube.

Cool off your face here

Van Der Glas Tooth Jewelry

Van Der Glas Tooth Jewelry

We've seen some pretty innovative recycling ideas in our day, but these accessories, made from human teeth and hair, look like something you'd find in Angelina Jolie's jewelry box during her Billy Bob phase.

Display some bicuspids here

The Wobble iPhone App

The Wobble iPhone App

This iPhone app claims it's the first application to enable a user to move a woman's breasts without actually touching them. (You can make breasts, butts and male parts of any photo jiggle like jelly when you shake the phone.) Obviously, this is in very poor taste. Even if it is sort of amusing.

Shake it like an iPhone picture here

The Metal Detecting Sandals

The Metal Detecting Sandals

Let's say you're hanging out on the beach and your friend drops her sterling silver human tooth ring. If you're wearing these stylish metal-detecting sandals, it will be no trouble at all to track down that valuable piece of jewelry. And if your dog is with you, you can celebrate with a couple of dog collar-openable bottles of beer.

Stroll for buried treasure here

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