
Wheel Life

Bonding Over Mobile Goodness

UD - Roaming Hunger It's not that you're lazy. Far from it.

But you like to know where your food's going to be when you want it—and you don't always want to slog through Tracy Morgan's latest pearls of wisdom on your Twitter feed to find it.

Now easing your food-truck treasure hunt in style: a new website called Roaming Hunger LA.

The idea is simple, yet stylish. Head to the site for a clean, thorough photo gallery of your favorite trucks, with their latest tweet pulled right in. Kogi, Umami, the Sweets Truckthe Grilled Cheese Truck…they're all here. Or rather, they're out there—and you already know where.

If you create a free account, you can also build a page of only your favorites—thereby freeing up even more precious seconds. Hey, it's the holidays—you're really busy. (But never too busy for a grilled cheese.) And since you can see others' favorites too, you might start to notice somebody else out there has your same taste in trucks.

You've worked your magic with far less.

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