Beer Rinse

Rinse and Repeat

Happy Hour for Your Hair

UD - Beer Rinse The holidays are approaching and it's starting to get crazy out there.

During these times, it's important to take a moment for yourself and find a sanctuary—somewhere you can close your eyes and take a breather.

Somewhere you can get a beer poured on your head...

Allow us to present, then, the newly discovered Beer Rinse, a relaxing and invigorating pick-me-up of a hair treatment, quietly rinsing now at Erica Fleischman A Men's Salon in midtown.

Now, we realize the last time beer touched your hair potentially involved a rogue keg mistress at Superdive, but science has spoken. So in the name of science, booze and better hair, you'll want to slip out of your office this afternoon and make your way over to the wooded living room of a men's salon for a quick haircut and head shower in the good stuff.

Like life's most memorable experiences, this one starts with some gratis Macallan and a massage. A little shampoo, some conditioner and 10 minutes of scalp-rubbing later, you'll be slipping into a disco nap. Then it hits you: the unmistakable aroma of Guinness (there's also Corona if you're feeling the beach, or Sam Adams if you're feeling especially patriotic) pouring over your head. Before you know it, your scalp will be tingling, and your hair will feel clean, soft and beer-aroma free. With a little shine and volume to boot.

We recommend leaving with some product samples.


Beer Rinse
at Erica Fleischman A Men's Salon
142 E. 49th St
Suite 1A
New York , NY, 10017

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