
Swimming with Sharks

Great White Shark Diving off Baja

It's a rough town, but so far you've only been dealing with metaphorical sharks. Maybe you need a lunch meeting with the real thing to get your edge back.

The pioneer of West Coast shark diving, Great White Adventures has been dangling wet-suited Angelenos in front of hungry sharks for almost a decade, and nobody's ever gone home without a sighting (or an arm). Some divers report spotting as many as six sharks at once. It's like Shark Week all over again.

Hop on a dive boat in San Diego, and 24 hours later you're looking Jaws in the eye. (Though not to worry: You'll be doing it through a cage made of the same impenetrable metal alloy used in military jets.) The site is Isla de Guadalupe, a nature preserve 160 miles off the Baja coast, and a world-renowned locale for spotting Great Whites. Underwater visibility extends more than a hundred feet, and the water rarely dips below 68 degrees, so it's prime territory for catching a glimpse of old snaggletooth. Cameras are encouraged, although steady hands may be harder to come by.

And on the ride back, you can catch up on your fishing. Guadalupe is famous for its massive yellowfin and bluefin tuna, as well as many other prized game fish.

It's just what you'll need after a week of feeling like bait.


Great White Adventures

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