Rock Out the Pain With Jessica Bradley

Kneadless to Say

Now Available: Bruce Springsteen's Masseuse

UD - Rock Out the Pain With Jessica Bradley Now that the Sox are in the playoffs and inching toward another world championship, we've noticed you're a little tense. You could use a massage.

And not just one of those five-dollar jobs that blandly hammer away on you, either. No, we're thinking you need something a bit more rock star-approved.

Enter Rock Out the Pain, a new massage service by Jessica Bradley, personal masseuse to a host of rock stars passing through the Boston circuit (so good they regularly bring her on tour with them) from Sting to Bruce Springsteen to KISS—and now, for the first time, you.

Fresh in the South End after years of being the go-to for her devoted rock clients, Bradley gives you the option of getting Sting's treatment, which, like him, goes for over two hours (you'll be able to lift your foot over your head and place it on the small of your back in no time). Or for the really tense, there's Lady Gaga's personal routine, hot and a little crazy (like her), featuring a fierce attack of deep-tissue work, lava stones and Thai herbal steam to top it off.

And if you ask nicely, Bradley will pull out her Thai herbal balls, made from herbal bundles steamed to high temperatures and carefully rolled all over you. They're perfect, she says, for leaving the skin healthily aglow and relaxing the muscles for your next three-hour performance.

Musical or otherwise.


Rock Out the Pain With Jessica Bradley
at Bodyworkers of Boston
530 Tremont St
Boston, MA, 02116

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