Things to do for September 03, 2009

The Weekender

Lingerie Bonus, Prescription Booze and Hot Nuts

The weekend is labored.

1 New Perk

1 New Perk

On the off chance you've got a few female acquaintances in need of gifting that incidentally benefits you, we used our massive influence in the world of undergarments to get you a whopping 40 percent off the lingerie you know as La Perla (not to mention the free shirt you'll get from the men's line—don't worry: it doesn't lift or separate).

The Hottest F#@*-in' Nuts

The Hottest F#@*-in' Nuts

It's been a long nine months, but tonight, college football returns at last. As such, we'd like to expand your snack horizons. We found these new habanero- and jalapeno-infused peanuts from Louisiana, the home of all things good and tongue-melting. (After a sampling, we'll just say the label is completely accurate.)

Test your tongue here

The Melli Compact Lounge by Urbancase

The Melli Compact Lounge by Urbancase

While you're always up for experimenting with new pharmaceuticals, you always return to the one that works best: booze. Here to help is this medicine cabinet-style bar locker, which folds out into an impromptu wet bar and even includes bar tools like corkscrews and jiggers. No hooch, though, but we suspect you can provide your own. It costs $1700, or roughly one month's bar tab.

Mix up the medicine here

Randitan's License Plate Buckles

Randitan's License Plate Buckles

Here's a crazy idea: buckles made from old plates, handmade by someone with too much time on her hands (not unlike the prisoners who made the source material, really). Nothing says "J3L2404" like wearing one of these to work.

Bell Barbecue App

Bell Barbecue App

Chances are, your weekend involves a barbecue. And if for some reason it doesn't—maybe your friends are communists?—this bizarre app might get you through. Basically, it lets you cook a tasty-looking bratwurst on a virtual grill—and for added authenticity for the upcoming Oktoberfest holiday, it's all in German.

Heat things up here

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