Rock and Roll Bingo

Model Behavior

Rock and Roll Bingo at an Infamous Dive Bar

UD - Rock and Roll Bingo Sometimes you need a little scenic diversity in your life.

Manhattan may have its Williamsburg, but around these parts there is only one territory where the urban creature known as the "hipster" really holds sway—our beloved Allston. And now there's a way to freely mingle amongst them without requiring an edgy shift in hairstyle, or massive shoulder tattoo and skinny jeans.

Welcome to Rock and Roll Bingo at Model Cafe, a new monthly gathering in the legendary Allston dive bar. Female DJs spin both vinyl and the bingo wheel while the over-70 bartender rocks shots with rockers, liquid "prizes" are redeemed at the bar, and if last month was any indication, you can also expect some celebrity drop-ins. (Pat Smear of Nirvana and Foo Fighters made an appearance at July's event, so there's no telling who may be swinging by to fill up a few cards and down a few shots tomorrow.)

Hipsters playing Connect Four at a bar and shelling out pints of PBR by the keg-load is nothing new, but Rock and Roll Bingo offers you an invite to mix it up with their core lot even if you roll up in loafers and chinos. Consider it your way to hit your hipster-scene quota each month.

You know…if you haven't already.


Rock and Roll Bingo
at Model Cafe
7 N. Beacon St
(near Brighton)
Allston, MA 02134

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