
Social Studies

Life, With Points

Booyah Ah, if only life were more like football: Non-stop action. Cheerleaders. A final score.

And while we can't do much about the first two—though we applaud the Eagles for recently going green—we can do something about that last one.

Welcome to the Booyah Society, a new (if unfortunately named) iPhone app that turns your Twitter feed, your Facebook page, and yes, your life, into one big contest.

It's basically a game that encompasses the game of life—you score points for everything from doing squats at the local gym to watching Scrubs with your buddy Jim. Your goal: to accomplish 108 (and counting) "achievements" spread across categories like Food and Dining, Travel and Passions. The achievements can be everything from the mundane (cleaning your apartment) to the decidedly less-so (having a child)—not to mention performing the act that led to the child. (File that one under "Fitness.")

To play, just download the app and type in what you did that day. Or just do what you normally do—update your Facebook page and Twitter feeds—and the game will automatically credit you for, say, that crazy robot-worm hybrid you invented at your best friend's wedding.

You should really get bonus points for that one.

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