
Get Smart

The Next Level of Personal Assistance

As much as you hate clichés, this one's accurate: It's so hard to find good help.

This is especially true when it comes to you and your hunt for the ultimate personal assistant. But maybe—just maybe—your fastidious needs are about to be met by Lambent Services.

Launched this spring, Lambent Services' LA office gives you access to insanely qualified, crème de la crème personal assistants. We're talking multilingual, Master's degree-holding—and, in many cases, Ivy League-educated—individuals who for whatever reason (young, unambitious, in a band) have chosen the underling route. The wicked smart subordinates are available for a minimum of four hours per week, and—not that it matters—often they're attractive to boot. What's more, they'll do just about anything for you, from answering your phones and buying your groceries to filing your taxes and composing your letters—in Latin, if need be.

To book a high-IQ minion, first contact a Lambent client liaison, who'll stop by your home or office and assess your needs. From there, you'll receive the impressive dossiers (photo, resume, personal statement) of three potential gofers and choose the one you like.

If things don't work out with your Cornell philosophy grad, you can always switch to that Yalie with a theology degree. And if it's a toss-up, Lambent allows you to go two-at-a-time.

Now that's genius.


Lambent Services

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