Things to do for June 11, 2009

The Weekender

Sexy Mug Shots, Icy Bullets and Stuffed Squirrels

The weekend is seeing <em>The Hangover</em> again.

The AK-47 Ice Tray XL

The AK-47 Ice Tray XL

Finally, a simple way to turn frozen water into…AK-47 bullets. (Insert joke about strengthening your hooch here.) Bonus: much safer than the real thing—well, depending on what you're drinking.

You love a bad girl—see Fox, M.—and nothing compares to ladies who have actually fallen on the wrong side of the law. This site's like a Hot or Not for cons—the only flaw is that it doesn't list what these women were arrested for. (Manslaughter, presumably.)

The Sit-to-Walkstation

The Sit-to-Walkstation

A brilliant solution to a problem you didn't know you had: how to exercise while you type. This desk comes with a treadmill attached, so you can "walk" at work. (The desk moves up and down so you can sit or stand behind it.) Be warned: it costs nearly five grand, chair not included. But how can you put a price on your health?

Rick's Custom Squirrels

Rick's Custom Squirrels

Just when you think there are no good ideas left in the world, you see something like this: Rick can, in his own words, "mount any squirrel in just about any position or style you would like." Translation: outfitting your den with a gun-totin', beret-sportin' varmint has never been easier.

Happiest People Ever

Happiest People Ever

Another week, another viral photo blog. Not that we're complaining: this Tumblr hilariously posts nothing but amateur snapshots of unsmiling people, typically posing during some of life's happiest moments—weddings, parties, etc. (Other people's pain: still funny.) Quick, someone make a blog of people laughing at funerals.

Bittermens Bitters

Bittermens Bitters

The secret weapon inside every great cocktail: quality bitters. This artisanal line—already being served by some of your favorite drink slingers—just became available for home use in the U.S. Which should be handy next time you can't make it to your favorite cocktail den.

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