
Having a Sick Day

Medical Care To Go

Now that you can do everything from getting lunch to getting a good table online, there's less and less reason to leave your desk. Now, not even the sudden onset of the flu can move you from your office perch.

You might not have time for health care, but if you play your cards right, health care may make time for you. Get ready to rediscover one of the original old-school luxuries: the doctor's house call.

For a cool $250 (covered by the better insurance companies), Sickday Medical House Calls will have a physician's associate to your office within a couple hours of your call, ready to check out anything from strep throat to mad cow.

They can write prescriptions direct to your desk (finally, a convenient way to feed your Vicodin habit, er...migraine pain), order lab tests, and even refer you to a specialist and save you a two-hour wait in the ER. If you get the fever, the Sickday folks can check you out while you're sweating through your Aeron chair. They've got everything the doctor's office has...except the waiting room, the weird smell and the old guy who keeps staring at you.

A tip: Once you've gotten a clean bill of health, order your good caregiver some lunch. We hear the garlic bread at St. Vincent's is not to be missed.


Sickday Medical House Calls
New York, NY,

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