
How to Cope with a Royal Wedding Hangover

Where Do You Put All That Excitement Now That It's Over?

By Kady Ruth Ashcraft ·
Jane Barlow / Getty Images

The Royal Wedding has done gone and happened, and somewhere the Queen is pacing around a palace corridor wondering how many more of these big events she’ll have to attend before she can just kindly decline. For the rest of us, not yet bored with the pomp and circumstance of the royals (so many horses! so many diamonds! so many hats!), we’re all experiencing a bit of a come down from this weekend’s events.

 Let me just say that that is normal, too! Ever since the engagement was announced there was part of me eagerly looking forward to Suits Princess marrying Hot Ginger Prince and now that the deed has been done, I feel as if I have a phantom limb. Some part of me is missing. That hand I used to salute the Queen no longer exists. Where is the mimosa I had clutched in my grip all of Saturday? I’m officially hungover from the Royal Wedding and looking for my next fix. So where do I channel this energy? What lucky person, place, or thing, will be the object of my unhealthy obsession. Some thoughts...

I could parlay my love for Suits Princess and Hot Ginger Prince into learning more about the Royal family, but I need drama and currently they are offering my very little. There are no more marriages coming up in the British Royal family and speculating on the love life of the young children feels, well, illegal. But there are other royal weddings in the future, just from lesser royals. Princess Eugenie is marrying a man named Jack Brooksbank, but looking at both of those names they are probably both British and the story just simply pales to that of Meghan and Harry's. That wedding will take place October 12th of this year. Feel free to indulge.

I’m also considering learning to recreate the cake that Claire Ptak made for the wedding, and maybe start a small baking business that’ll flourish and eventually land me a gig catering Prince George’s wedding in 2042. Ptak made a lemon and elderflower cake for the royal couple so I, too, will make a lemon and elderflower cake for the couple. You can buy her cookbook and essentially recreate the royal wedding at your home. Prince George, please let me know ahead of time if you have any allergies.

Another hobby I can fully submerge myself into now that there is a gaping hole in my life is learning British. Okay, that was a bad joke, I'm sorry. Bear with me. I'm in a trying time. But maybe I will start picking up phrases like "banger" and "daft cow" or "I am Princess Meghan Markle." 

Other options for curing this hangover include: learning to run a 5k, floral arrangements, embroidery, making more mimosas, breeding Corgis and rewatching The Crown

Ah, yes. That's it: I'll rewatch The Crown.

Kady Ruth Ashcraft

Kady Ruth Ashcraft is a writer, comedian, filmmaker, and Amtrak Princess. Follow her on twitter @kadyrabbit and tweet her pictures of your pets.

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