
Chloe Kim's Swag is the Olympic Vibe We All Need

That Final Halfpipe Run...

By Bailey Edwards ·
Getty Images

Last night, 17-year-old Chloe Kim won the gold medal in the women’s halfpipe, and in doing so, became the Olympic hero we all need right now. Between all three of her staggeringly impressive runs, Kim was tweeting about how she regretted not finishing her breakfast sandwich, worried that choice might make her “hangry,” and how she could “really use some ice cream rn.” All. While. Competing. 

Kim headed to PyeongChang with so much heat she was basically a human flame. Four years ago at the ripe age of 13, her age kept her from competing in the Olympics despite being one of the best snowboarders in the entire world. Despite the pressure, Kim set the bar impossibly high on her first run by landing a backside air, frontside 1080, cab 720, frontside 900, McTwist and frontside inverted 720, scoring a 93.75. I don’t even know what most of those things are, but they were truly insane to witness. Her second run wasn’t as flawless, but her first score was so good that all the other competitors spent the rest of their runs vying for silver and bronze. Kim took to the pipe for what was a ostensibly a victory lap, throwing up a mind-boggling score of 98.25... just for kicks. 

But not before tweeting...

I’ve never been this cool in my entire life, and never will, and that's okay.

Bailey Edwards

Bailey (@bedwerds) is a comedian and writer in NYC. She smells of autumn.

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