Oh, Sunset Harbor.
With your yoga, your boxing gyms and your bootcamps.
Until now, you've kept your dark side hidden behind juice bars and plant-based restaurants and all that other stuff up there.
But now, you're giving us Last Call. Now, you're giving us a new sports bar with decidedly non-vegan things like fried-egg burgers, fried fish sandwiches and bourbon, sweet bourbon. So, for that, we thank you. And also for this slideshow.
Housed in the former Lutum space, this is the kind of establishment where you'll cram into a black leather booth with friends. Preferably on a game night. Preferably exactly during the Super Bowl.
As you and those friends jockey for elbow room, order a round of El Diablos with tequila, lime and ginger beer. Sit a spell and gently yell at the TV whenever it needs a good yelling at.
Then, during halftime, cue up a tune on the glowing jukebox or hit the game room before making your way to the bar for a Cinnamon Gold Rush with bourbon, cinnamon, honey and lemon. There's a front patio, too, so maybe take that out there with some onion rings and an ABC Burger with avocado and brie.
You really should get back to your friends at some point, though.