
The Most Important Pieces of Internet Lore from the Cast of Stranger Things 2

A Collection of Virality from the Hit Show's Latest Season

By Thompson Brandes ·

One of the most fascinating cultural phenomena of any modern breakthrough television show is the landslide of internet fodder that tumbles along with it. Stranger Things, as we’ve seen, is a burning hot fire of virality. And since no one has the time to scour the web for every meme, video and tweet worth your while—except me—we’ve got them all right here. These are the most important things the internet has made because of this season of Stranger Things:

This Twitter account of Jim Hopper dancing to various perfect songs:

This video of Millie Bobbie Brown rapping a complete season one recap:

This gif of Billy spewing beer like a damn champion:

This gif of Bob liking Kenny Rogers:

This highly offensive tweet from Mark Ruffalo requesting he replace Finn Wolfhard:

No, Mark. You cannot. 

This tweet from Finn Wolfhard requesting a dang blooper reel:

This picture of Joe Keery and Finn Wolfhard holding dogs:

A post shared by Joe Keery (@uncle_jezzy) on

Finn Wolfhard is a national treasure. Also, Joe Keery is not very good at holding dogs.

This picture of Caleb McLaughlin thanking Thom Browne for the greatest suit of all-time:

Vibe. #strangerthings2premiere #looks Thank you: @thombrowneny @giuseppezanottidesign @godarrylgo
A post shared by Caleb McLaughlin (@therealcalebmclaughlin) on

This tweet from David Harbour:

I cannot wait to frame this picture for my living room.

This montage of seductive Dustin purrs:

This historic documentation of Hopper and Eleven becoming a family:

This eerily accurate portrayal of Stranger Things fandom:

Thompson Brandes

Thompson Brandes is getting sucked into another Jurassic Park movie on AMC right now.

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