Food & Drink

Roblé Ali

The People's Chef


Chef Roblé Ali might be the hardest working man in food. Between preparing elaborate feasts for stars and world leaders with his luxury catering operation, he runs Streets BK, one of Brooklyn's great scene restaurants. Oh, and you might know him from TV, too. Something else he's made time for: giving us a rundown of his cultural playlist...

What’s your go-to comfort food?
New York-style pepperoni pizza. 

What’s the greatest Saturday morning album ever made?
Stevie Wonder, Inner Visions.

Best album to cook to:
Master of Puppets by Metallica.

What’s the strangest thing that’s inspired your work?

Best NYC restaurant not owned by someone you know:
I become friends with all the places I love; Peach's Shrimp and Crab. 

Best stretch of driving in New York City:
West Side Highway, without traffic.

Most underrated museum in New York:
The Schomburg Center.

Piece of art worth traveling to:
Canadian side of Niagara Falls.

What art form most closely resembles cooking?

Favorite all-time sneaker:
Yeezy 2— the most exquisitely made sneaker I've ever worn.

Best cocktail in New York:
Earl the Pearl at Beauty & Essex.

Object you use most every day:

Letters or email?

Snapchat or Instagram Stories?
Insta stories.

Artist (any medium) you’re most jealous of:
Not a single, solitary artist I'm jealous of; I would like to meet Banksy.

Go-to secret ingredient:
It wouldn't be a secret if I told you... just know it's so simple.

Where do you go to think?
Anywhere I can put down my phone and have quiet. 

Guilty-pleasure pop-culture love:
I don't keep up with pop-culture. It's annoying to me; I try to unplug from it.

Hangover cure of choice:
Multi-vitamin and lots of water before bed.

Car color of choice:
Pearl white.

Elsewhere on the Daddy

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