
The Best Songs to Listen To Before Fighting Someone

Let’s Get Hyped Ahead of Saturday’s Mayweather-McGregor Fight

By Thompson Brandes ·

This Saturday night in Las Vegas's T-Mobile arena, Floyd Mayweather will step into a professional boxing ring for the first time in two years. The momentous occasion recognizes another spectacle in which his opponent, Conor McGregor, will become the first boxer in history to dress his three-month old son in a royal three-piece suit and sunglasses for a fight. It's all going to be beautiful.

But while the main event is certain to be at the very least fascinating, the one thing we should all look forward to come fight night is the walk-out music. The time-tested ritual of fighters gearing up for battle with a specific song of choice is an important one, and it's no secret that certain tunes lend themselves more to knocking-somebody-the-fuck-out than others. The following songs you are about to listen to are they.

A good thing to do if you ever find yourself in a fight is to listen to Lil’ Scrappy, then you will REALLY be in a fucking fight.

Are you and your crew slowly rolling up to coordinated back-alley scrap? Boy does G-Unit have a song for you.

A pre-fight classic. Enjoy whooping that ass.

Especially appropriate if your fight is at the trap, the mall, the club... pretty much anywhere.

Boi-1da's drums here might as well be the sounds of you punching the teeth out of someone.

Fucking posers.

Congratulations on your impending spit-flying knockout blow to the chin.

This is simple: It’s your side versus theirs.

I like to think that Phil Collins puts this on a dive bar jukebox at least once a week before fighting the hell out of someone.

He didn't walk Mayweather into the ring for nothing.

"What up, cuz?" —hallowed words spoken before just about every fight ever.

A hallmark of all the overly aggressive softball dad.

A good 808 almost always leads to a good fight song.

When Busta Rhymes says, “Break ya fuckin’ neck, bitches,” you pretty much just have to obey him.

“If he dies, he dies.”

If you close your eyes and ignore the lyrics the various "ohs" "ughs" and "yeahs" in the background serve as your very own fight sound effects.

First off…


AC/DC has a knack for this kind of thing. (Important to note: this one is particularly great if you straight up know you are about to get your ass kicked.)

Chest-shaking bass? Suspenseful strings? OK, looks like we’re all set to beat someone’s face in!

Whoops, sorry about that.

Annnndddd we’re back.

Here’s a song in which Eminem says the following:

And I'm a only sucker punch and swing without warning, 'Cause I know if they get up, I won't get a chance to let off. Another punch, I'm punk rock, no one's punk, don't give a fuck, White-Pac, so much spunk. When I was little I knew I would blow up and sell a mill. Or grow up to be Atilla, go nuts and be a killer.

That's kind of all you need to know.

I have a friend who, for most of his life, thought Ozzy Osbourne was screaming "9 O'Clockkkkkkk" at the beginning of this song and it remains to be of the funniest things I've ever heard in my entire life.

Just replace "commas" with "people" and you're all set.

Lil Scrappy strikes again.


Thompson Brandes

Thompson Brandes is getting sucked into another Jurassic Park movie on AMC right now.

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