
It’s a Vegetarian Restaurant. It’s Also a Late-Night Lounge.

Jackfruit Asada Tacos and a Disco Ball in Brickell

By Ginger Harris ·
None 11 Photos Crate
Quick, grab a vegan date.

Or... quick, grab a non-vegan date who likes tequila, disco balls and dancing until 4am.

All are welcome at Crate, the new vegetarian restaurant and lounge (that old combo) that’s now open in Brickell and looks like this.

Before 11, this place appears innocent enough. Diners dine on the front patio beneath large umbrellas, taking in the Brickell-y atmosphere of it all. Inside, off-white brick walls, cream banquettes and vintage couches give the space a retro feel.

A chandelier made of olive oil bottles will hang above you and that date as you venture off to a quiet corner, where you’ll decide between things like jackfruit asada tacos and the Hula Burger made from mung beans and brown rice, served alongside grilled pineapple and caramelized onions.

But eventually the clock will strike 11. The curtains will close and a disco ball will drop from the ceiling. With the realization that they’re open until 4am Thursday through Saturday, you’ll order a round of jalapeño coconut margaritas as a DJ takes to the makeshift stage, which happens to be a 1700s Ming Dynasty table.

Always with the Ming Dynasty DJ stages.
Ginger Harris

On a typical Wednesday, Ginger Harris is likely seeking reposado tequila, squeezing her way to the front of a concert or jumping on the back of an Indian motorcycle. That’s just Wednesdays, though.

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