
One For The Road

Hitch a Ride to JFK

You always felt you weren't reckless enough in your youth.

All the things Mom told you not to dobuy a motorcycle, tour with a band, join the circus, hitch a ride with a strangeryou still haven't gotten around to doing.

Well, now you can knock one of those things off the list. Via the newly launched Hitchsters.com, you can get hooked up with strangers to share cabs to and from New York airportsjust in time for Thanksgiving (and you thought going to see the family couldn't get any more exciting).

The brainchild of Davis Polk attorney Terry Crawford, the Hitchsters site is simpleyou enter your name, flight and contact info. They will then match you with someone on your flight (so no waiting for delayed flights). You can request a member of the opposite sex, to keep things interesting, and they never let the other person know if you did (ah, ever considerate and discreet, that Hitchsters).

Hitchsters will email and text you when they find a match. Only first names and cell numbers are exchanged, and then you and your hitching buddy contact each other to make arrangements.

Then the rest of your little adventure begins. Granted, it's not the same as getting picked up by a saw-toothed character in a Mack truck with a "Bob" hat, but, well, let's face it, a cab ride with a random New Yorker might end up being just as interesting.

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