
Art and Ping-Pong, Together at Last

Thanks to This Auction, the Rec Room Finally Goes Highbrow

By Najib Benouar ·
None 7 Photos The Art of Ping Pong
Some artists choose canvas.

Some choose chapel ceilings.

And some choose ping-pong paddles.

All equally noble artistic pursuits, thanks to the Art of Ping Pong, a charity art auction that goes live today across the pond—which you can get in on, courtesy of the World Wide Web.

It’s the work of a British art collective that has been tapping some of their brightest artistic minds to fashion the rec room fixtures into bona fide pieces of art. And while they’re all worth a look, we went ahead and picked a few of our favorites in case you’d like to make a bid.

Word of warning: this is not going to be a standard frame job.
Najib Benouar

Najib Benouar has been known on occasion to write about menswear, ice cream scoops and all other manner of gentlemanly pursuit.

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