
“I’d Choose Dropbox’s Reese’s Tartlets over Facebook’s Burger Cupcakes Any Day of the Week.”

10 Things You’ll Overhear Today

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
Welcome to Wednesday. We spent the morning reading the entire Internet for the 10 bits of news most vital to your being. Then we made up a quote about each one that you might ponder, overhear or maybe even deploy over the course of the day. We call it The Cooler, and we suggest sprinkling it liberally over your daily conversation.

1. “Well, my new life goal is to see Lake Tengiz from space.”

2. “I’d choose Dropbox’s Reese’s ganache tartlets over Facebook’s cheeseburger cupcakes any day of the week.”

3. “So that’s what suit marketing looked like in the ’40s...”

4. “Taking the Autobahn to a secret Michelin-starred spot in Baiersbronn doesn’t sound half bad.”

5. “Nah, the feds don’t really need Apple’s permission to get into your phone.”

6. “America’s got some highly varied political opinions, but they can pretty much agree on porn preferences.”

7. “Chris Christie’s eyes spoke louder than words last night.”

8. “I can’t decide if that jacket belongs more under “Give Away” or “You Can’t Make Me.”

9. “There’s always that one undecided voter who gets himself stuck in a tree.”

10. “Who’d have guessed that old people would be the first to embrace self-driving cars?”

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