
“It’s a Bugatti Hypercar... I’d Expect Nothing Less.”

10 Things You’ll Overhear Today

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
Welcome to Tuesday. We spent the morning reading the entire Internet for the 10 bits of news most vital to your being. Then we made up a quote about each one that you might ponder, overhear or maybe even deploy over the course of the day. We call it The Cooler, and we suggest sprinkling it liberally over your daily conversation.

1. “And that was when Quincy Jones referred to the art of music as ‘emotion lotion’...

2. “Sixty miles per hour just sounds a little too fast to be riding a skateboard.”

3. “It’s the first film completely animated from oil paintings. Naturally, it’s a Van Gogh biopic.”

4. “Not much surprising about Iggy Pop modeling nude in Brooklyn.”

5. “I was pleasantly surprised with both Stephen Colbert’s and Grover from Sesame Street’s acting skills.”

6. “It’s a Bugatti hypercar... I’d expect nothing less.”

7. “I’m all too familiar with that hotel melancholy.”

8. “Just about time to give my playlists a spring cleaning.”

9. “Of course I knew that Iñárritu used to be a sailor. Just kidding, I didn’t know that at all.”

10. “Let’s take a moment to wish Yellowstone a happy 144th birthday. There. That was nice.”

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