Things to do for January 27, 2016

The Weekender

Would Someone in Your Weekend Care for a Bra with Built-In Handcuffs?

Weekend gets knocked down, weekend gets up again.

This Guy’s Got a Thing for Movie Posters

This Guy’s Got a Thing for Movie Posters

So there’s an Australian designer who has vowed to design a new movie poster every day in 2016, and sell those posters on his blog. So far, he’s done Pulp Fiction, Dr. Strangelove, Fight Club... 24 others... Anyway, check them out. Place one on your wall. Just stare at them for a few seconds. Do what feels right.

Handcuff-Adorned Bras from Anya Lust. That’s Right.

Handcuff-Adorned Bras from Anya Lust. That’s Right.

Fact: Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. Another fact: valentines generally like lingerie. A third and final fact: lingerie adorned with velvet handcuffs is better than the alternative. That in mind...

Winter Shades Are Sometimes Necessary

Winter Shades Are Sometimes Necessary

Sure, it’s winter. Which, to some, does not sound like the time to acquire sunglasses. But consider this:

—Shades from this German brand that’s collaborated with Maison Margiela and others are now available online. There are a lot of them. A lot of them are nice.
—Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s sunny in the winter.

That’ll be all.

So, About That Watermelon Jerky...

So, About That Watermelon Jerky...

When an organic meal delivery service sends packages of watermelon jerky to our HQ, well, we try it. We just do. And then we let the world know how we feel. And the world is better for it. Maybe?

This Man Loves The Bachelor. Just Does.

This Man Loves <em>The Bachelor</em>. Just Does.

The phrases “the right reasons,” “this is the final rose tonight” and “fantasy suite” don’t resonate with everyone. That’s because not everyone watches the romantic reality show The Bachelor. Some people do, though. Some people enjoy it very, very much.

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