
The Year in Short

Well, It’s Been Quite a Year

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
“Other times you look at yourself in the mirror and think, ‘I could go for a nacho right now.’”

Sure, at one point, that sentence was nestled among other sentences that gave it meaning and purpose within an UrbanDaddy story.

But that was then.

And this is the Year in Short, just a slew of phrases, quips and statements we stated this year that you may find amusing when taken out of context.

Shall we...

No Ryan Seacrests were harmed in the writing of this thing about a website.”

“Other times you look at yourself in the mirror and think, ‘I could go for a nacho right now.’”

“Oh, you know—A/C. Wi-fi. Dungeon. Play space. Whips.”

“Pegasus was fathered by Poseidon, god of the sea.”

It’s a shame that this mint is shaped like mint. And this Tabasco, a liquid. And this saffron, a soft powder.”

“Bikini-clad companions on shoulders everywhere, the air abuzz with promises of chicken fights.”

“And maybe the land should be shaped as the profile of your beloved dog, Rogelio.”

“... with, um, supermodels and parties, mostly. Oh, and pasties.”

What do wines dream about, as they sleep in their little glass wine homes, gathering dust on their precious little wine shelves?”

“No, we are not compiling a list for your destination birthday in Capri.”

“Give it a few days, and you’ll be the proud owner of six eventually delicious gastropod mollusks.”

“... our operative chose a man named Jan to help out. He had a kind face.”

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