Here’s where we use our Internet-reading abilities to share the latest articles, videos and randomness
you need to consume before the day’s out. We call it: The Cooler.
Fight for Your Right: Vice tails a group of Iranian youth who just want to have a good time, even if it means breaking some laws.
Up to Code: A London designer has found a way to turn your genetic code into a one-of-a-kind scarf. That’s what DNA is for, after all.
It Was a Very Good Year: The New York Times recounts the year in menswear that was, from high-end underwear to social media dominance.
Gentleman’s Profession: GQ Style has a new editor, and you won’t believe this, but he has a firm opinion on wearing ties.
Let There Be Lightsaber: Oh, look, Google made a desktop game that uses your smartphone as a lightsaber. How timely.
No Place Like Home: A palatial château outside Paris was just sold for almost $300 million, making it the most expensive home on earth. Naturally, it comes with its own nightclub.
Fargo Rock City: The A.V. Club sits down with Fargo’s music supervisor to learn how she discovered the righteous ’70s soundtrack of season 2.
Male Objectification: Jimmy Fallon gives Mark Wahlberg a football covered in Play-Doh and other random objects to throw through a little hole.
Fight for Your Right: Vice tails a group of Iranian youth who just want to have a good time, even if it means breaking some laws.
Up to Code: A London designer has found a way to turn your genetic code into a one-of-a-kind scarf. That’s what DNA is for, after all.
It Was a Very Good Year: The New York Times recounts the year in menswear that was, from high-end underwear to social media dominance.
Gentleman’s Profession: GQ Style has a new editor, and you won’t believe this, but he has a firm opinion on wearing ties.
Let There Be Lightsaber: Oh, look, Google made a desktop game that uses your smartphone as a lightsaber. How timely.
No Place Like Home: A palatial château outside Paris was just sold for almost $300 million, making it the most expensive home on earth. Naturally, it comes with its own nightclub.
Fargo Rock City: The A.V. Club sits down with Fargo’s music supervisor to learn how she discovered the righteous ’70s soundtrack of season 2.
Male Objectification: Jimmy Fallon gives Mark Wahlberg a football covered in Play-Doh and other random objects to throw through a little hole.