Here’s where we use our Internet-reading abilities to share the latest articles, videos and randomness
you need to consume before the day’s out. We call it: The Cooler.
When You’re on the Road: You can now stream all three of Jack Kerouac’s previously hard-to-come-by spoken word albums on Spotify.
Curious George: Noisey discusses the state of funk with none other than the Prime Minister of Funk himself, George Clinton.
The Last Samurai: Apparently, there’s a real-life Edward Scissorhands cutting hair in Madrid with samurai swords. Watch him work here.
Fashion Wars: How would the Star Wars characters dress in modern-day New York? Cast members of The Force Awakens weigh in.
Critical Analysis: Flavorwire notes that white men are the minority on the year’s biggest book lists, likely for the first time since, well, forever.
WTF: The Daily Beast turns the tables on interviewer extraordinaire Marc Maron to discuss politics, comedy and finding his inner peace.
Flipping Awesome: Jimmy Fallon played Star Wars flip cup with Daisy Ridley last night. Naturally.
When You’re on the Road: You can now stream all three of Jack Kerouac’s previously hard-to-come-by spoken word albums on Spotify.
Curious George: Noisey discusses the state of funk with none other than the Prime Minister of Funk himself, George Clinton.
The Last Samurai: Apparently, there’s a real-life Edward Scissorhands cutting hair in Madrid with samurai swords. Watch him work here.
Fashion Wars: How would the Star Wars characters dress in modern-day New York? Cast members of The Force Awakens weigh in.
Critical Analysis: Flavorwire notes that white men are the minority on the year’s biggest book lists, likely for the first time since, well, forever.
WTF: The Daily Beast turns the tables on interviewer extraordinaire Marc Maron to discuss politics, comedy and finding his inner peace.
Flipping Awesome: Jimmy Fallon played Star Wars flip cup with Daisy Ridley last night. Naturally.