
Glitter Beards, Booze Encyclopedias and Gravy Drones

The Cooler: Your Talking Points for the Day

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
Here’s where we use our Internet-reading abilities to share the latest articles, videos and randomness you need to consume before the day’s out. We call it: The Cooler.

Big in Japan: Selectism takes a look at FSC’s new Made in Japan collection.

Make It Stop: Esquire pre-demolishes glitter beards, for all our sakes.

Long Live the King: The New Yorker dives into the new Michael Jackson bio and concludes... his life was complicated.

’Gram Awe: Wired brings us a guide on tastefully Instagramming Thanksgiving.

Visualization Exercise: Fast Company gives us a look at a Brooklyn design studio’s visual encyclopedia of booze.

Marathon Man: The A.V. Club breaks down 25 shows to binge-watch over the long weekend.

Lord of the Flies: Jimmy Kimmel invented a gravy drone. Thank you, Jimmy Kimmel. Thank you.

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