Michael Fassbender as Steve Jobs
Movie: Steve Jobs
Essential tools: A black turtleneck, wireframe glasses
Hit or miss: Total miss. Fassbender looks more like an angry West German performance
artist, not an angry West Coast tech exec.
That Steve Jobs biopic is out. It’s called <em>Steve Jobs</em>. That’s good because Michael Fassbender plays the title character and you might not know who he is suppose to be otherwise. What we’re saying: he looks nothing like Jobs. That black turtleneck isn’t fooling anyone.<br /> <br /> But, hey. Superman put on a pair of glasses and the world thinks he’s Clark Kent. Maybe this will work out the same way.<br /> <br /> In any case, we rated the all-time easiest ways actors tried to portray real-life famous people. With Halloween costumes right around the corner, you may want to take notes.
Movie: Steve Jobs
Essential tools: A black turtleneck, wireframe glasses
Hit or miss: Total miss. Fassbender looks more like an angry West German performance
artist, not an angry West Coast tech exec.
Movie: The Social Network
Essential tools: A hoodie, a scowl
Hit or miss: Hit. Jesse Eisenberg already looks much like Zuckerberg with better bone
structure. But man, that hoodie really sold it. We hear it’s shortlisted for the Justin Bieber story.
Movie: The Hours
Essential tools: A rubber nose
Hit or miss: Semi-hit. Well, considering the public has no real recollection of what Woolf
looked like, Roseanne Barr could probably have been convincing.
Movie: Mommie Dearest
Essential tools: A terrifying amount of eyebrow pencils
Hit or miss: Hit. Dunaway is probably now the definitive version of Crawford.
Movie: Hyde Park on Hudson
Essential tools: A cigarette holder, wheelchair, patrician smirk
Hit or miss: Miss. Chevy Chase’s Gerald Ford was probably more convincing.