
The Blue Saloon

It’s Like Blue Apron for Cocktails

It’s late.

You two are relishing the notes of lime and coconut in your Painkillers, as created by your favorite bartender at Goose & Gander.

The lighting: so dim.

The atmosphere: so intimate.

Your slippers: so comfortable.

Meet SaloonBox, a cocktail kit subscription-and-delivery service that’s kind of like Blue Apron for good drinks made by your favorite bartenders around, launching tomorrow at 8am on Kickstarter.

First, you have to get in early. Toss ’em a few bucks. Do your part as a Good Drinking Samaritan.

Then, when they launch in a few months, you’ll start receiving exactly what you need to make a round of two unusual drinks a week. Invite someone over, jump on the website and watch a how-to in video form, or just use the recipe card. And seven days later: new box, new recipe, new alcohol, new ingredients. This’ll do. This’ll do nicely.

You might open a box and spot the elements of a Dupont, from Darren Crawford at Devil’s Acre. Or something involving a trio of citrus fruits. Or a new pair of Jack Purcells.

That would be the wrong box.

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